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“Now faith is confidence of what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see, this is what the ancients were commended for.” Hebrews 11:1-2

Faith- confidence of what we hope for and the assurance of what we do not see.

But how can we have confidence in what we hope for and assurance in what we do not see?

I believe that one of the keys to having faith is to remember.


The Holy Spirit has been calling me to remembrance lately. I have been reading through Jeremiah, and He is constantly speaking to the people (primarily the Israelites) through the prophet Jeremiah and reminding them of what He has done for them in the past (Jeremiah 31:21).

The Israelites were struggling with idolatry and with trusting God to keep His promises to them, when what was going on around them seemed so different. However, if we look at the lives of the Israelites, we can see that God was there for them so many times. He favored them greatly. Take a minute and read through Exodus- How God parted the red sea for the Israelites, Brought them to the promised land, etc.

So why did they always seem to turn from God?

I believe that one reason is because they were forgetful. They forgot all of the ways that God had been there for them in the past. They did not remember.

As we get ready to settle into the new year, let’s take a moment to remember what God has done for us this past year, and all throughout our lives. Whether it’s a small thing or a big thing- I know God has been there for you in some way throughout your lifetime. Just seek Him and ask Him to help you remember. If you can’t think of anything that God has done for you (or if the current situation you are in just seems impossible), think about what God has done for others and what He did for people in the Bible. Think about Abraham and Sarah having Isaac in their old age. Think about Daniel being saved from the Lions’ den. What seems impossible to man, is possible for God.

Remembrance is one of the keys to faith. When you remember what God has done for you in the past, it fuels your faith and expectation for what He will do in the future.

And I think that is why the Holy Spirit has been calling me to remembrance lately, because as I remember, My faith and expectation is fueled.

I want you to be expectant for what God is going to do during the rest of 2018 and what He is going to do during 2019. He is not finished with you yet. He has great plans for you and your family's lives.

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."


"Dear Lord, thank you for how you have been there for me and for others in the past. Help me to remember these things and allow them to fuel my faith and expectation for what you WILL do in the future. Even if my situation seems impossible at times, I know that with you- All things are possible. I love you, Jesus. You're the best. Amen."

*As you pray, start declaring promises from God's word over your situation. This will encourage you, and it will get the focus off the problem and onto Him!

Jeremiah 33: 19-22 "The Lord spoke His word to Jeremiah. He said, "This is what the Lord says: suppose you could break my arrangement with day and night so that they wouldn't come at their proper time. Then my arrangement with my servant David could be broken, and he would not have a descendant to rule on his throne. The arrangement with my servants the Levitical priests could also be broken. I will multiply the descendants of my servant David and the levites who serve me like the stars of heaven that cannot be counted and the sand on the seashore that cannot be measured."

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