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Savor this season.

I am back in SC now and have been reflecting on my time in Nashville. It was really hard at times, but wow! I am so glad I was obedient to the Lord and pressed on- even when I didn't want to.

Freshman year was not my favorite. The transition was unbelievably hard at first. The Lord blessed me with great friends & roommates that year, however, it was just hard to adjust! College life is no joke. Some people LOVE college and thrive there from the start, and some people have a hard time adjusting. That was me. I found myself wanting to go back to high school most days that first year. Haha. Side note: if you are like me and are struggling with college or a new city or whatever, it's okay and it is NORMAL! You are not alone in feeling that way.

However, everything changed my sophomore year. It was as if the birds were singing & it was like "TA-DA! You have finally adjusted to Nashville and college life." Does this mean that life was easy from then on? Absolutely not. I went through a lot (just like we all do), however, I started to "see the light." It became apparent that Nashville and Trevecca were where God wanted me to be.

Now that I am back in SC (which I never saw coming!), I can see how the Lord used my time in Nashville to make me who I am today. All the good times, all the bad times. I would do it all Again.

College students--- keep going. Yes, it's hard. And sometimes you really miss your family and friends. And other times you never want these days to End. Savor this season! Don't forget to stop and smell the roses. Look for something to be thankful for every day.

Everyone else- Savor where you are right Now. Whatever season that is.

One thing I have learned the past couple years is to not compare yourselves or the season God has you in to others. God created each one of us uniquely. There is no one like you on this planet. So don't get caught in the trap of comparison. My friend described it to me this way "Sometimes you look at others and it seems like they are going 100 MPH towards their destiny, and you are only going 5 MPH towards yours. But you can't compare your race to theirs. It's not the same. God is doing something different with you."

So ask the Holy Spirit today to take control of your thoughts and your mind. To remind you of how special you are. No matter the season- He is there. He will meet you where you are. GOD LOVES YOU AND I DO TOO!

"Let's just go ahead and be what we were made to be without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren't." Romans 12:6 (MSG)



This is me and my friend, Chloe at my favorite event on Trevecca's campus, PAINTAPALOOZA! She has been one of my faithful friends since Freshman year (when I wasn't a huge fan of college). SO thankful for her and so many others that God placed into my life during that season!

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